Wednesday 29 April 2020

The Adventures of the Gnomes

While we were at Jamboree Ōwairaka Sea Scouts sent two gnomes off on a journey around the country with the hope that they would reach the next National Scout Regatta and then hopefully the next NZ Scout Jamboree. 

This blog is where he Groups that are hosting them record their adventures

See where they are up to, and even comment to say hi.

Who knows where they will end up next!

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Pet Photo Competition

Over the last fortnight our Scouts have been taking photos of their pets for our lockdown pet photo competition. It all came about when lots of the Scouts had pets walk through the shot during our first online meeting!

We have some judges busily working way on looking through the pictures. But you at home can play too! In the comments at the bottom of the page just put the number from the caption of the photograph you want to win our peoples' choice prize.

Entries close 11pm New Zealand Time on Wednesday 22 April 2020. The winner and prize will be announced during our Troop online meeting on Thursday 23 April and posted online shortly after that.

Happy voting (click on each image to make it bigger)!

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Photo 8

Photo 9

Photo 10

Photo 11

Photo 12

Photo 13

Photo 14

Photo 15

Photo 16

Photo 17

Photo 18

Photo 19

Photo 20

Photo 21

Photo 22

The rules that the Scouts were set:

  1. You must take the picture
  2. Taking the picture must not hurt or distress any pet, or family member
    (eg no live action shots of siblings being eaten by pet lions)
    (ie no identifying features like names, Street signs, letterboxes etc)

  3. The judges’ decision is final
  4. Prizes may be awarded for cuteness, tricks, composition of image
  5. You must state if a photo has been edited after it was taken
  6. Still images only
  7. Images must be suitable for publication on a public blog
  8. Entries must be emailed to by 9pm on Tuesday 14 April 2020.
  9. Inanimate pets will be considered at the judges’ discretion (eg a pet rock)
Voting Rules
  1. No spam voting (ie excessive multiple voting within a short time period).
  2. Only votes with only the photo number in them will be counted (other comments may be deleted).

Thursday 9 April 2020

Online Investiture

We may all be staying at home and following 
the government advice to

Be kind, stay home, save lives. New Zealand Government message during COVID -19 lockdown

But it definitely doesn't stop our Scout Group 
from keeping on #scoutingfromhome

Tonight we did something new (for us anyway). 
We invested William as a member of our 
Troop during our online meeting.

Unfortunately he won't receive his physical scarf.

Cartoon of a blue Scout Scarf with a Yellow band and yellow badge at apex
Or his badges.

Until we are able to meet in person again.
But the important thing is that he has made the New Zealand Scout Promise

On my honour, I promise to do my best,
To develop my spiritual beliefs,
To contribute to my community, country and world,
To help other people,
And to live by the Scout Law.

and is now a member of the world wide family of Scouting!

Saturday 4 April 2020

Northland Scout Regatta

We went to the Northland Scout Regatta at Kai Iwi Lakes from 6 to 8 March. It is one of the highlights of the year. Our Scouts and Venturers camped, sailed, rowed and swam for the weekend beside an amazing lake.

Scouts swimming and sailing

This year due to the very dry weather the lake was much lower than usual.

This wasn't a problem it just meant that we saw Lake Taharoa in a different light. What didn't change was the amazing clear water that the Scouts, Venturers and Leaders loved being in, on and under.

Many of our Scouts and Venturers learned some new skills, with some having their first sail in a Sunburst. On land they put other skills into use winning the pioneering competition. They built a stretcher to carry a Scout and as a Group we came third in the Camping competition.

As well as competing and being active Ōwairaka Sea Scouts and Venturers also really enjoy just being around each other and having fun. From the slightly gruesome story time to the Venturers taking it easy while rowing the boat back to the slipway at the end of camp, to taking their fake Pacific Island holiday snaps.

We had a great weekend and see you there again next year. Thank you to the Regatta organisers!