Sunday 1 March 2020

Moana Rua Zone Camp

The Ōwairaka Sea Scouts and Sea Venturers had a great time at our Zone's Founders' Weekend camp last weekend! As usual the camp was held at Motu Moana Scout Camp, and the Scouts had a combined campsite with Western Bays Sea Scouts and together we hosted their Cubs. The Venturers, for the second year had a combined camp in the newly refurbished and renamed "Rangatahi" lodge.

On the Saturday of camp the Scouts moved through four bases. They took part in orienteering, the confidence course, two pioneering challenges, and for the first time in years they used the climbing tower! This was followed up by dinner and a "campfire" without any flames due to the regional fire ban.

The Venturers meanwhile were off on an amazing race around the city!

The Sunday activities this year had to have a bit of an adjustment as the lack of rain meant that using a tanker load of water for a mudslide (when people in nearby areas are waiting to have their drinking water tanks refilled) just wasn't a good idea. 

So  the Scouts instead took part in a Scouts' Own down on the shores of Green Bay with the theme of the memories that Scouting can make. Then it was in to the tug of war.

The Venturers spent Sunday morning warming up their vocal chords with karaoke!

During the camp we checked over and pumped up an old liferaft which we will use as a pop up chill out tent or paddling pool as the mood takes us. It worked really well and the bursts of heavy rain we had on Saturday meant that we could wash it without using any tap water at all.

In a few of our photographs you may spot a green-hatted gnome. This is Larry! Larry the Lazy Gnome. He and his brother Stan (the standard gnome) went with us to Jamboree and we're sending them off on an adventure to meet as many other Scout Groups as they can on their way to the next NZ Scout Jamboree.  During the camp we passed Larry on to Hawke Sea Scouts . 

You can follow Stan and Larry's adventures at

At the closing ceremony we were very happy to find out that our campsite had won the camping competition for the second year in a row.

Founders' Weekend 2020

A huge BRAVO and thank you from Ōwairaka Sea Scouts to the Moana Rua Scout Zone's Zone Team and everyone else who made it a great weekend!

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