Monday 29 June 2020

Troop Sleepover & Sailing

Last weekend our Scouts were very happy to be able to return to having overnight activities!

We started small with a sleepover at our hall.

The Scouts that arrived first started by exploring some of the lesser used items in a storeroom and the result was a surprise for the next Scouts to arrive.

Then the Scouts designed their menu and went off to the supermarket to do their shopping.

Dinner and a blindfold trail through the park followed.

Next came the unscheduled discovery of a Pokémon gym on the far edge of the park. 

The evening wrapped up with a movie and the Scouts settled down with the soft glow of the fire (while the leaders retreated to the side rooms).

Sunday saw a trip across the harbour bridge to Lake Pupuke for some fresh water sailing - our usual winter sailing option at Pakuranga will have to wait until we rig up some rain water collection to wash down the boats after use in salt water.

It was great to be out on the water after a 3 month gap in our schedule. We were joined by some of the Venturers from our combined Venturer Unit.
They were very impressed by the foiling sail boards. The (lack of) potential for a foiling Sea Scout Cutter was discussed at length.

Monday 8 June 2020

Back to our hall!

After 10 weeks of meeting online we're very pleased to be back meeting face to face!

After a thorough clean of the hall we had our first meeting. It was a nice low key evening where we awarded the badges that had been completed and gave out the prizes from our Lockdown competitions.

The next step will be working with the Scouts to finalise the plan for the rest of term II. Watch this space as we move back to real world adventures from our online ones.

Owairaka Sea Scout Scarf