Friday 8 May 2020

Iso - Scout - i- Con

As part of our Scouting from home our Scouts came up with the idea of doing something based around the anime, comics, superheros, books and movies they enjoy. 
So the first ever Ōwairaka Iso-Scout-i-Con was born. 

The logo above was designed by one of our Scouts and we'll put it to use over the next period of time as the Scouts share fan fiction they have written ( towards the Writing badge) and make video clips of their very own super heroes in action (towards the Entertaining badge).

The Venturers at the combined Ōwairaka & Western Bays Venturer Unit have been invited to take part and early leaked photos show that their Venturer Leader is already preparing for the costume competition.

Check back over the next few weeks to see how it all turns out.


homemade wreath with red poppies

Several of our Scouts and Venturers took part in 
#StandAtDawn to commemorate ANZAC Day. 

Some also made wreathes or decorated the footpath outside their home.

We look forward to returning to gather at our local War Memorials next year to acknowledge the service and sacrifice of the ANZAC's and of all Soldiers, Sailors, Air Crew, and those who kept the home fires burning.

Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou : We will remember them